Why a custom guitar? (4 of 5)
- Be patient because it takes work time and delays between certain stages!
- Aaaaaargh (choking voice from the guitarist who thinks he's Christmas Eve)
Then… Slight anguish… Would I be worthy of this instrument?
You will therefore spend several hours discovering it and hearing it transform under your fingers.
I have always thought that you have to fall in love with your instrument, because one instrument will allow you to bring out a sensitivity that will not be there on another instrument.
I confirm it to you.
I haven't "disowned" my other guitars. They always have their characters and their sleeves, their microphones, induce their own way of playing.
But this new guitar is an exceptional item.
The work of a luthier is that of a magician, and you must always get along well with magicians
"to have fewer things, but more beautiful things ... And use them to produce beautiful things"
This text had already been published on social networks before the establishment of our collaboration with Quentin. Some following texts will be slightly retouched in order to correspond to my way of seeing things, with several months of hindsight on this experience.
See you soon for the rest 🙂
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